Class 1
Weekly Timetable
Here is the KS1 timetable for this academic year. Our well-being day will be every Thursday.
Our children will complete guided reading three times a week with a focus on decoding, prosody and comprehension. They will also receive an additional session which focuses on developing the strategic skills of comprehending a text.
PE days will be Tuesday and Thursday. This may change depending on any additional sporting activities.
Autumn 1
Here is the overview of what we will be learning about during Autumn 1. There may be additional activities planned based on sporting events or religious festivals.
We use the Collins Big Cat reading books in school and follow the Little Wandle approach to teaching reading. Children practise decoding unfamiliar words, learn how to read with fluency and answer key questions about the text. A new reading book is sent home each Friday. Please practise the book with your child and sign in their reading record.
These guides will show you how we teach children to form letters and pronounce the sounds Y1 children are learning this term.
Here are the word lists to show what children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 1/Year 2. Please encourage your child to practise using Spelling Shed. They have their log on in their reading record.
These booklets will help you to support your child at home and are free to download.
class dojo
Please click on this link to join your child's class.