Class 2

class 2 - MRS MCDERMOTT & mrs peel 

worry box

If you have a worry, big or small, you can put your message into the Riverside Worry Box by completing the online form.

Your message will be read by Mrs Bassindale who will try and help with your worry. She won’t be able to send a reply to you but will ensure that somebody helps you when you are in school.  Click on the picture of the box which will take you to the form. 

ChildLine is a number you can phone any time and in confidence, if you feel stressed or concerned about anything. The phone number is 0800 111 111. 

happy box

Tell Mrs Bassindale if you are happy about something.

She won’t be able to send a reply to you but will acknowledge it when you are in school

Click on the box which will take you to the form. 

ideas box 

If you have a sensible idea (check with your adult first) for the school to make it better, you can put your message into the Riverside Ideas Box by completing the online form.   

Click on the box which will take you to the form. 

spring term 1

Here are the topics we are studying this term. History and Art are taught in the first half term and Geography and D.T. will be taught in the second half of the term. 

Please click on the subject pages to see more detail about the skills being taught. 

Autumn Term 2

autumn term 1


Children are expected to read five times per week to an adult at home. Reading records will be checked each Friday. 


Here are the word lists to show what children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 3/Year 4.  Please encourage your child to practise using Spelling Shed.  They have their log on in their reading record. 



These booklets will help you to support your child at home and are free to download.  



Y3_4 timetable.docx

class dojo

Please click on this link to join your child's class. 

Get epic

Here are the class log in instructions for get epic, which gives the children access to thousands of books. We use this a lot at school. If you want to use it at home, you just have to register it to your email address. Please ask if you have any questions. 


Y4 MTC Check

Please look at the leaflet for more information about the multiplication times table check that year 4 complete in June.